Computergestützte Rezeptoptimierung von Beton mit dornerLab


AI makes concrete greener

Cooperation for sustainable concrete: Together with Fachhochschule OST, we have developed a pioneering AI tool. This can significantly reduce the amount of cement used in concrete production.

Optimising recipes

For many years, we at Dorner have been looking at ways to optimise recipes and thereby reduce costs and emissions. A major lever lies in saving cement.

Cement is responsible for 95% of the CO2-footprint of concrete. The emissions from the production of cement clinker are caused by the high energy consumption of the kilns and the release of CO2 from the limestone.

Together with OST in Rapperswil and Buchs, we have developed the "Optimix" solution – AI models and algorithms that predict concrete properties and calculate new concrete recipes with less cement content. This makes it easier for concrete plants to develop and adapt new recipes – especially with new and partially recycled raw materials.

„Low-cement concrete is not only sustainable, but also more economic.“

Simone Stürwald
Professor for Sustainable Concrete, Fachhochschule OST

Simone Stürwald, Professor for sustainable concrete at OST, confirms: "Low-cement concrete is not only sustainable, but also more cost-effective." The solution is already being used by the first concrete manufacturers and will be integrated as a functional module in the new generation of our dornerLab laboratory software in future.

Article | GRAU (SwissBeton): KI macht den Beton grüner

Dorner solutions in action

Dorner solutions
in action

dornerLab Produkticon

Big Commitments

Vigier Betonwerk

Pilot project with Vigier Beton

Save 4.5 kg of cement per m³
Digitalisierung durch Dorner Steuerung bei SSK

Salzburger Sand- und Kieswerke-Portal

Staying ahead with digital transformation.
Computergestützte Rezeptoptimierung von Beton mit dornerLab

Cooperation with Fachhochschule OST

AI makes concrete greener.