Data protection Microsoft Teams

This privacy notice explains how we use recordings of meetings in Microsoft Teams. During a meeting with us that is held using Microsoft Teams, a recording may be made. This may include the recording of audio, video and screen sharing during the meeting. A transcription of the meeting can also be recorded or alternatively recorded automatically.

Recording a meeting means that your image or video image is recorded on the screen. This includes anything in the background that is visible to the camera.

Meetings are only recorded in exceptional cases, e.g. at your own request. If a recording takes place, you will sometimes be informed in the invitation to the meeting or by e-mail or telephone before the meeting. During the meeting, before the recording is switched on, you will be informed of the purpose of the recording.

When a meeting is recorded, we collect

A record of the meeting, your name and/or email address.

Why we collect your personal data

Our lawful basis for processing your personal data is consent.

GDPR Article 6(1)(a) - The data subject has given consent to the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes.

Meetings held with Microsoft Teams are not routinely recorded. They will only be recorded if there is a reasonable and valid reason for doing so. We may record a meeting at your request or with your consent. This may be, for example, to provide a record of the discussion to all participants or to capture an accurate record or action immediately after the meeting.

If you do not wish a meeting you are attending to be recorded, please let the Dorner employee responsible know. You can ask for the recording to be stopped or interrupted at any point during the meeting.

Special categories of personal data

In most cases, Dorner Electronic GmbH will not use recorded sessions to collect or discuss special category data. However, if such topics are discussed in a meeting, this information will only be collected and used with the explicit consent of the data subjects as participants. Any special category personal data that we hold in this way will only be shared if it is essential for the provision of an agreed service or procedure.

If you wish to withdraw your consent for Dorner Electronic GmbH to store and share your special category personal data in connection with a session recording, please contact the Dorner Data Protection Coordinator.

To whom we may disclose your personal data

Your data will be passed on to the relevant department within Dorner Electronic GmbH.
We may pass on the personal data we have stored about you if we are legally obliged to do so. For example, we may share your data to detect and prevent crime and fraud.

If we share your data for any purpose, we will take appropriate security measures to protect it and we will ensure that we have a clear legal basis for sharing it.

How long we retain your personal data

We retain your personal data for the minimum period required. Session recordings are initially kept for 21 days before they are automatically deleted. If a recording has not been downloaded within this period, it will no longer be available.
If a session recording is downloaded, it will be kept securely for as long as it is deemed necessary, up to two months from the date of the recording.

A recording may be kept for longer if there is a valid reason for doing so. In this case, it will be kept until it is no longer needed for this purpose.

You can find more information about how we process your data in our privacy policy.